Sunday, January 31, 2010

I am still alive and kickin'!

I didn't think that it would come to this eventually.
You know me neglecting this space, thinking that having a new place to blog would reignite my passion to just write and rant whatever comes into my mind.

Long gone my vow to never stop myself from blogging citing reasons such as this will be some kind of a biographical page for my kids and grandkids to know me better. How ambitious aye?

So I am not going to stop from blogging nor am I going to visit here as often as I did in my previous blog but I will make it a point to visit as and when the urge needs to be attended too. Like today, here I am :)

I simple cannot fathom that it took me 4 months to come back here! 4 bloody months is the longest hiatus ever! Ouh trust me, I am guilty as charged to even missed blogging my annually post mortem of how my year went by in this case it was a nay for 2009. No, I am so not going to waste another an entry of something so belated but hey if I could summarize 2009 in one sentence it will be; What a hell of a swell year it had been!