Sunday, October 25, 2009

Catching up with The Proposal

My girlfriends was telling me how insanely funny The Proposal was, which I didn't get to catch it in the theatres. Therefore I always made a bundle of cheap splurge across the causeway to get those movies I missed out on (if you know what I mean).

So last night I chose The Proposal to make me feel better and.... it did! I enjoyed the simple plot, witty lines and the infectious chemistry between Sandra Bullock & Ryan Reynolds.

While watching Ryan Reynolds and I don't mean to brag here, I can't stop myself from thinking how similar he is with well my very own 'Mr Ryan Reynolds'! Besides them being tall and lanky, my boyfriend have the same sarcasm tone that Ryan Reynolds always does in his movies especially whenever the way he said 'No' which happens to be my mister favourite word.

Hehe can't help it when you drool for that hottie in the movie but you immediately feel 200% better you don't have to daydream the day you will meet your Ryan Reynolds because luckily (for me!) my very own hottie is just a phonecall away ;)

Woot woot!!!

The Day I Feel The World Is Against Me.

I know I haven't been true to my words. This place is already stagnant even before anything begins. I haven't took the time to make certain changes to this blog too. I was initially ambitious, wanting something fancy for this new space. Then again with barely time on my side, I decided for once to go by default and hence this is it.

So this spur of the moment update; is to express how lowly I feel today. Life is full surprises (don't we all know that) and sometimes the twist that comes around the corner is almost painful to bear. Like yesterday, I was faced with an accident yet again. An accident which I cant stop myself from thinking the 'What if's'. In a split second, everything just spiraled its way down.

On the other hand, love have been truly supportive & loving something I would count as a blessing despite all this chaos going on right now. He puts a smile on my face for the past 24 hours whenever he calls and check on me to make sure I am alright. Then, he made me teared each time he reassures me that he will be here for me and say things like 'we will go through this together'. As I am not accustomed to have a man who dare say these things to me, I am pretty much overwhelmed and falling deeper in love with him all at the same time.

I know I believed him when he said things will get better. Despite, the understanding family and lover I have around me, for now I don't feel like facing the world. All I want to do is stay in my room and say as little words as possible.